Traditional Landowners

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Agreements were signed with Hopevale Congress Aboriginal Corporation (Hopevale Congress), as agent for the Nguurruumungu Clan; and Walmbaar Aboriginal Corporation, as agent for the Dingaal Clan in March 2021 to allow access drilling to take place off the existing tracks within EPM 25734.

The Company has been meeting with representatives of the native title holders for the shared area (Dingaal and Nguurruumungu Clans) since October 2020 and formally negotiating since November 2021. To date we have held seven meetings with the Negotiation representatives which have been held in a professional and respectful manner.

In September 2023, Metallica requested the assistance of the National Native Title Tribunal to mediate among the Negotiation Parties - being the Dingaal and Nguurruumungu Clans, the State of Queensland and Metallica's subsidiary Cape Flattery Silica Pty Ltd to assist in obtaining their agreement for the grant of mining lease 100284. The benefit of mediation is that it will assist the parties to work together to seek a common focus for the negotiation process. There are outstanding matters that could be best resolved under a more formal process.

To date no meetings have been held with the National Native Title Tribunal.

Both Traditional Landowner groups have been engaged in site activities including Cultural Heritage Clearances, environmental works and drilling programs.